Yoga Sutra 8, Chapter 1, What is Wrong Knowledge?
What is the nature of the wrong knowledge as per this yoga sutra of Patanjali? What are the Implications of wrong knowledge?
What is the nature of the wrong knowledge as per this yoga sutra of Patanjali? What are the Implications of wrong knowledge?
What are pranayama benefits? Learn how yoga breathing exercises are good for us. what aspects of our lives are improved by doing Pranayam?
What are the eight steps of Ashtanga yoga? Steps of the eightfold path of yoga explained. Learn about the
Simple yoga techniques for workplace stress management. Hoe does executive functions and yoga go together. Yoga for Stressed executives.
Benefits of ultraviolet light, Sun energy for general health. Learn about ultraviolet rays treatment. UV rays as a cure for ailments.
The yogic concept of mind. Composition of mind and its structure. Stages of the evolution of Mind and its role in yoga. Mind-body relation.
Origin of the universe from the three basic Gunas; sattva, rajas, tamas gunas. How the three Gunas relate to the mind and our personality.
Eat the right way. Learn about healthy eating habits, and what type of food is healthy and what type is not. Tips on Eating the right way.
Learn the basics of tooth care and the diseases of the teeth and the gums. learn, Know good oral hygiene practices & the right way to brush.
The concept of Matra in yoga explained. How mastering matra increases the overall benefits of pranayama. Basic matra ratio?