Why a Vertically Erect Spine for Yoga Meditation?
Various reasons , benefits for holding the spine vertical during meditation.
Various reasons , benefits for holding the spine vertical during meditation.
Know the real benefits of meditation and why its just not for improving one’s health.
How meditation is not an act but a state of mind one prepares oneself to slip into.
Know about Chinese meridians and Chinese Clock and their relation to Yoga.
Science is unable to explain the presence of acupressure points. Still the results push our the faith in them.
Bruxism, teeth grinding and other issues related to stress, Yoga can help relax the natural way,
The actual meaning of concentration in yoga. How focusing the mind benefit in all the areas of life.
Properties of thought, and how positive thinking has the power to change the life for better.
What is Mantra and how can it help Yoga meditation? Ways of doing Japa.
The place of relaxation in yoga. What relaxation means and techniques of Relaxing.