Author: Randeep Singh / go to all Techniques of Yoga articles

Padmasana or lotus pose,
comes under the category of meditative asanas.
Meditative postures are named so,
because these set of postures aid the
practitioner in getting into a state of abstraction,
concentration, the trance
of meditation as we call it.
Meditation is coterminous with Dhyana,
the seventh step in Ashtanga yoga. The main purpose of any meditative pose is to hold the body erect and steady for the mind present within it to become one-pointed. The spine remains erect for free spinal circulation of the prana, the lower extremities are turned in towards the base of the body, forming a firmly grounded tripod imparting steadiness to the base, and the placement of the arms and hands completes the energy loop in the body. A steady mind can only be held in a steady body.
“Padma” is Sanskrit for Lotus, the flower. The body of the practitioner of Padmasana resembles a lotus blooming in the center of a placid pond; the knees are positioned like the petals of the outer circle of the lotus flower, the body represents the yet to bloom bud in the center. The lotus motif has held a supreme significance in the Buddhist and Jain arts in ancient times. The throne shaped as the lotus is the seat of a number of deities from ancient Indian mythology. When the human body posture like a lotus, Padma, the mind seated within it begins to stabilize and get concentrated. Padmasana pose proves more productive if done with the right understanding and proper guidelines for asanas.
Preparatory Asanas for Padmasana
- Ardhtitli Asana
- Shroni Chakra Asana
- Poorna Titli Asana
- Vayunishkasan Asana
- Kawa Chalasana
- Udarakarshan asana
Yoga Asana Sequence for getting into Padmasana
- Sit on the mat in Badha Konasana, make sure that the inner edges of the calves, knees, and ankles are rotated out
- ​Inhale and stretch the right leg out by straightening the right knee to get into Upavishtha Konasana, lengthen the toes of the left foot, and rotate them out
- Exhale, bend the right leg at the knee and using both the hands keep the outer edge of the right foot on the inner edge of the left foot, widen the bent knee of the right leg by stretching it outwards
- Exhale and lift the right foot and extend its toes, keep it over the ankle of the left foot, both the ankles must cross each other, inhaling push the knees of both the legs backward for creating the maximum possible wide angle between the them
- Exhaling, use both the hands for lifting the right foot, place it on the root of the left thigh, once again widen the knees out as much as possible, this is Ardh padmasana
- Exhaling take the left foot out from under the right leg, lift it above the level of the right knee and place it over the right knee, take a small inhalation
- Exhaling slowly slide the left foot over the right thigh till it settles in the groove of the root of the right thigh, the soles of both the feet must be turned up, and the ankles bent at right angles to the respective legs, pull on the knees with both palms and straighten the spine up, tilt the pelvis forward a bit
In the final posture of Padmasana, the knees are kept pressed on the mat, the spine is held erect and elongated upwards, the shins cross each other closer to the pelvis, the outer edges of feet fully stretch over the respective groins and tightened against the thighs, the heels are firmly pressed against the upper front part of the pubic bone, a bit above the genitals. Put the hands in Jnana mudra / Gyan mudra and place the back of the palms on the respective knees.
Watch the video on this technique.
Alignment essentials and Modifications – Padmasana
Along with following the general principles of alignment in yoga one must also learn to engage the right attitude and action in one’s Yoga asana practice. Additionally, considerations specific to Padmasana are listed here.
- The chest must be remain thrown forward
- The abdomen must be kept slightly pulled inwards
- The eyes can be either closed or fix them on a nearby object, relax the body
- The elbows are kept slightly bent in a relaxed mode
- In case flexible both the hips should be kept pressed on to the mat in Padmasana
Precautions and Common Faults – Lotus Pose
- Avoid jerky movements while lifting the lower foot in order to prevent any damage to the cartilage – medial meniscus- in the inner side of the knee
- Increase the internal rotation in the hips before attempting Padmasana in order to avoid any injury while turning the ankles at a right angle to the legs against the resistance from the inner thighs (for turning the soles of the feet up)
Follow up poses
- Adhomukhasavan asana
- Supt Hastpadangushthasana
Contraindications – When to avoid Padmasana
Stay away from doing Padmasana in case these conditions are present:
- Sciatica
- Sacral infection
- Weak or injured knees
- Ankle injury
Advantages- Benefits – Lotus Pose
- Padmasana provides complete workout and relaxation to all the muscles, tendons and ligaments of the legs
- It helps draw in more blood into the abdominal and genital regions from the abdominal aorta
- It tones the various nerve centers in the pelvic region ( coccygeal and sacral nerves)
- The quality of respiration improves as the chest in Padmasana pose remains thrown forward with the abdomen held inwards, Padmasana is an important part of yoga for better respiration
- The muscles associated with the intestines are toned
- The shoulders in Padmasana pose are automatically held back, this prevents the chest from falling over the chest and the abdomen which can reduce the functional capacity of these two body cavities
- It holds the body erect and steady which helps calm the mind, it is one of the very effective techniques of yoga for keeping the mind calm
- The Padmasana directs prana from the Mooldhara Chakra located within the perineum to the Sahasrara chakra in the crown of the head, this intensifies the experience of meditation and its benefits
- The pressure padmasana pose applies to the lower spine relaxes the overall nervous system, padmasana with other techniques form a set of yoga asana for a healthy nervous system
- It slows down the breath and the blood pressure, the tension in the muscles is reduced
- It fires up the digestion process
- It is the only and very effective Yoga asana for stretching the knees and the ankles in directions untouched by any other asanas
- It helps reduce issues related to menstruation and Sciatica
- Padmasana pose makes the process of birth much easier if it is practiced regularly throughout the period of pregnancy
- It is powerful hip opener Yoga asana
- One feels more energetic after practicing Padmasana pose