Author: Randeep Singh / go to all Samkhya Karikas

Samkhya Karika 51 text:
Oohah sabdho’dyayanam dukhavighaataastrayah suhritpraptih |
Daanam cha siddhayo’shtau siddheh poorvo’nkushah trividhah ||
Oahah – via logic or reasoning
Sabdho – these words
Dyayanam – study
Dukhavighaataas – removal, suppression of pain
Trayah – three fols
Suhritpraptin – acquire like minded friends
Daanam – charity
Cha – and
Siddhayo – Siddhis, powers
Ashtau – eight
Siddheh – of siddhis / powers
Poorvo – prior to, preceding
Ankushah – restraint
Trividhah – three fold
Samhya karika 51 talks about five addtional powers (Siddhis) the intellect (Buddhi) can express itself into. These five are additional to the eight powers which have been described in an earlier Karika. As expalined earlier Siddhis (powers or achievements) are one of the main four dimensions in which Buddhi can express itself in. These dimensions can be an aid or an obstacle in the path of realizing the ultimate goal of spirituality; experiencing the super consciousness or the Purusha.
The eight Siddhis mentioned earlier can be the impediments on the path of realizing the ultimate goal aim. The five Siddhis explained here are the ones which can help the practitioner over come the three fold pain associated with human existence by overcoming the ill impact of the three dimensions of Buddhi which have been mentioned prior to the dimension of Siddhis as a fourth dimension. These three dimensions are Viparyaya Asaktih, and Tushti.
These three dimensions of Buddhi, states Buddhi can express itself in, along with Siddhis obstruct its path of attaining Moksha or liberation from the material world, or realizing / experiencing the pure consciousness (Purusha).
The new set of five Siddhis, as described by Samkhya Karika 51, which can actually help an individual realize the goal of experiencing pure consciousness (Purusha), and not be the obsctacles on it, are Uhah (reasoning), Sabda (words of a particular kind), Adhyayana (study), Suhrt prapti (attain the company of llike minded people, and Dana (charity).
Oahah – Ability to Reason out the Truth – Samkhya Karika 51
Generally, people who lack this power need help to determine the truth in a given situation. This is because to a ordinary intellect truth can seem relative to time, incident or a particular situation. Whatever seems to be true in a particular combination of these coordinates can appear an untruth in a different combination
This creates a confused state of mind which lacks certainty. Uncertainty begets unsteadiness in the mind which can derail the progress towards the final aim of Samkhya philosophy or spirituality in general. Such an individual would need help from a guru or some form of higher power, which he defines as God, in order to reach the correct conclusion.
Samkhya Karika 51 talks about the powers (Siddhi) of Oahah. Here, the individual gains the power, ability to reason out and determine the truth all by oneself. This is a special power, or a dimension in which Buddhi can express itself, which is not available to an ordinary being. Here the intellect gains the ability to reason out the real truth on its own.
In case the intellect (Buddhi) is able to reflect the real truth, it can experience Purusha, as Purusha is itself the ultimate truth the Buddhi is supposed to strive for.
Sabda – The Word | Siddhi to Tune in the Right Words
Today’s world is an over communicated world. Words are floating everywhere around our existence, be it the written or the spoken words. From the philosophical point of view I would be only concerned with the words of the scriptures and the words which come from wise men.
In spite of the availability of a deluge of words of wisdom around us, how many of our antennae are actually tuned to receive them. Receive the right signals from the mesh of overwhelming chaos of information hitting us every second of the day? Acquiring the ability to tune ones senses to the right words available (scriptures, speeches of wise men) around one is definitely a power or Siddhi one should strive for.
The ability to absorb and understand the words of wisdom (right knowledge) can help one steer one’s way towards achieving the ultimate in spirituality, raising one’s energy, existence to reach the level where one can experience super consciousness.
A lot of people know the basic difference between right and the wrong, but how many of them actually understand the significance of such knowledge and how to apply it in one’s life to raise one’s consciousness. This comes from braising oneself with such words which can transform the purpose of one’s very existence towards liberating oneself from the painful clutches of the material world, the manifest Prakriti.
The quality of submitting oneself to the trust of the teacher, from which the words come, like a student is associated with this Siddhi. One must qualify to receive such emancipating words by developing, acquiring within oneself the quality of a real student.
Adhyayana – Study, Analysis
In order to progress on any path one needs to first understand it, or the path will remain blind and lead no where. Understanding necessitates studying the course of action and the destination before one can embark on, towards it. Like the concept of ‘word’, as discussed above, the concept of ‘study’ too cannot be generalised.
Here, Samkhya karika 51 is talking about the right methodology and approach to the study of spirituality in order to understand it the right way. Or else, scores of individuals appear to be studying the concepts around the Spirit, still, not progressing in the intended direction. The one who knows the right way to study the Concept, with complete faith and devotion is the one who will achieve the ultimate aim.
Faith and devotion are the qualifications for studying spirituality the right way, or the way one can progress on its path. This is because it is only faith which can lift this study above the analysis and intellectualisation of the data collected by the limited powers of the senses.
The ability to study the word (spiritual wisdom and information) with devotion and faith is thus a power (Siddhi) lacked by majority of general populace. These powers can only be attained by the practice of the techniques of spirituality with persistence.
Suhritpraptin – Good and Like Minded Company
On account of living in the material world, no one can practice spirituality in isolation, its not even recommended to be done so. People who exist around us via various types of relationship connections do influence our energies (negatively or positively).
The quality of these energies we imbibe from our contacts from around our physical world can make or break our spiritual journeys. This is, more so, true for the one who is yet to scale the heights of spiritual progress to be able to attain immunity to any external influences.
These external influences can actually aid in our journey, the company of like minded and good people positively impacts our motivation, and progress on this path. One feels assured of one’s belief system when like minded people around oneself boost up one’s faith into one’s journey.
This is a Siddhi, power one attain through a consistent spiritual practice. The practitioners who have attained this Siddhi automatically attract the right friend, guru, or a mentor along their life path. The manifest conducive conditions, environment around them which help them accelerate their progress towards realising Moksha from the restraints of the material universe.
A lot of people have the sob stories to share, where the wrong company had significantly contributed to their digressing from their paths, and loosing themselves in the loop of paths leading nowhere.
Daanam – Charity / Purity as Siddhi – Samkhya Karika 51
The concept of Daanam as mentioned in Samkhya karika 51 can be interpreted with having two meanings to it. The first meaning that can be deducted is of charity, and the second being purity.
When taken as charity, Daanam stands for the quality of imparting knowledge, free of any cost, to the deserving student. In order to impart the knowledge one must first be in its possession. This Siddhi (power) equips the giver of the knowledge, attained through practice, impartially to the student seeking it.
Teachers who can do so help keep the traditional wisdom alive and throbbing for anyone to benefit from. Another aspect to this power (of imparting wisdom impartially and without expecting any results) that giving without expectations elevate the giver on the path of spirituality as it purifies the intellect.
This aligns well with the second meaning of ‘Daanam’ which describes it as purity. With charity, or the ability to give selflessly purifies the intellect which imparts a push to one’s spiritual journey.