Author: Randeep Singh / go to all Samkhya Karikas

Samkhya Karika 61 Text:
Prakrite sukumaarataram na kincid-asti-eti me matir bhavati |
Ya drshtaa-asmi-eti punar-darshanam-upaiti purushasya ||
Prakrite – than Prakriti
Sukumaarataram – gentle
Na kincid – not anything
Asti – exists
Eti – such, so
Me matir – my opinion
Bhavati – is
Ya – who
Drshta – seen
Asmi – I am
Eti – such, so
Punar na – again not
Darshanam – seeing, vision
Upaiti – approaches
Purushasya – of the Purusha
Isvara Krsna, in Samkhya Karika 61 is all praise for the gentleness which Prakriti exhibits in its relation with Purusha. He says that he has immese respect for Prakriti in the sense that first it works continuously to exhibit all of its aspects to Purusha so that it may be liberated from its own custody.
Once the Purusha is free, Prakriti never ever binds it again or shows itself to it after its final purpose of liberating the Purusha is achieved.
Samkhya Karika 61, Prakriti is Exquisitely Gentle by Nature
The Sanskrit word ‘ Sukumaarataram’ though means gentle in simple English, It is used in this karika because it encompass multiple adjectiveslike caring, considerate, compassionate, cultured, civilized, empathtic inits orignal essence.
This can also be taken as that Prakriti doesn’t get attached to the Purusha even after completely exhibiting itself to it. The existence of Prakriti is for Purusha, All its activities are for the Purusha to see and experience, still once the Purusha is liberated it completely deatches itse;f from it forever.
The author has itself eulogised the magnanimity and gentleness of Prakriti by mentioning that nothng that exists can compare with Prakriti in these two attributes.
Gentle Nature of Prakriti in Daily Life
Samkhya philosophy describes Prakriti as the material world, made up of the five elements: earth, water, fire, air, and space. Prakriti is characterized as gentle, or sattvic, which means that it is pure and harmonious in nature. This gentle nature of Prakriti can be seen in various aspects of the material world, including the natural world, human relationships, and the creative arts.
One way to understand the gentle nature of Prakriti is to consider the natural world. The natural world is full of beauty and harmony, with diverse ecosystems and interconnected systems of life. Each species has its own unique role to play in the larger ecosystem, and all of the elements work together in a delicate balance. This gentle harmony can be seen in the way that plants grow towards the sun, or the way that birds migrate in a coordinated pattern.
Another way to understand the gentle nature of Prakriti is to consider human relationships. Relationships between individuals can be characterized by love, compassion, and empathy. People naturally seek to connect with others and form meaningful bonds, and this desire for connection is rooted in the gentle nature of Prakriti. For example, a mother’s love for her child or the bond between close friends is an expression of the gentle nature of Prakriti.
The gentle nature of Prakriti can also be seen in the creative arts, such as music, painting, and poetry. These artistic expressions are often inspired by the natural world and the beauty of the material world. They are an expression of the harmony and balance that exists in the natural world, and they can bring a sense of peace and calm to the viewer or listener.
Overall, the gentle nature of Prakriti is an essential aspect of Samkhya philosophy. It emphasizes the interconnectedness and harmony of the material world, and it highlights the importance of living in harmony with nature and with each other. By recognizing the gentle nature of Prakriti, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the beauty and harmony of the material world and our place in it.