Author: Randeep Singh / go to all articles on Yoga cure
Abdominal Organs Yoga:
Abdominal organs yoga basically work on the lower abdomen.
The upper limit of the abdomen is generally taken as the respiratory diaphragm, and the lower limit is the upper rim of the pelvic girdle.
The abdominal cavity, as it is called, is limited by the presence of the spine from behind, and by the corset of anterior abdominal muscles.
The abdominal section of the body cavity houses a number of vital organs like the stomach, the small and the large intestine, Liver, spleen, gall bladder, colon, kidneys, adrenal glands, and the pancreas. All these organs are loosely held together in their respective positions by body’s connective tissue which is flexible enough to allow slight shift in their positions while they attempt to accommodate the changes in the intra-abdominal pressure occurring due to different reasons.
Import blood vessels like aorta, and the inferior vena cava pass through the abdominal region. Each of these organs receive a rich supply of blood through the arteries and blood vessels coming from the heart. Whereas, a network of veins drain these organs of the waste products which accumulate within them as a result of metabolism happening within their cells. The health of the organs of the abdominal regions is directly linked to the overall health of the entire body.
Some of the disorders of the abdominal region are peritonitis (inflammation of the covering sheath over the abdominal organs causing pain and stiffness), constipation, dyspepsia, peptic ulcers, blockages within the intestinal tract, Ascitis ( built up of the fluid within the abdomen due to cirrhosis of the liver), Pancreatitis, and swelling in the abdomen.
Normally all the organs within the organs within the abdomen are functionally related to each other. The final product of one organ is the raw material for the other, thus all the organs are interconnected. The general causes for the disorders as mentioned above are sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet & lifestyle, and lack of exercise as one advance in age.
The muscles and nerves network which is responsible for keeping the abdominal organs enervated lose their tone and flexibility over time impacting the working of these organs. As a damaged electrical wire is unable to run the electrical appliance to its full capacity, damaged nerves, due to inertia, are unable to completely enervate the associated organs leading to their underperformance called disease.
Deposition of extra fat on the abdominal organs, especially in the belly region due to obesity can cause organ fatigue. Obesity skews the balance in the body mass index which can cause medical conditions like heart problems, diabetes, sleep apnea ,and metabolic disorders.
In fact abdominal cavity holds 90% of the vital organs, organs vital for sustenance of the body, within itself, only exceptions being the lungs, heart and the brain.
Yoga for healthy Abdomin
Stomach exercises, or stomach workouts help rejuvenate all the organs populating the abdominal cavity. Relaxation postures when done well are better in rejuvenating the entire body than a good night sleep. Kidneys inside a nicely rested body gain efficiency which help with complete detoxification of the body.

A detoxified body is a strong body which can stand its ground unaffected by the invasions of the infection, disease causing microbes from the external environment. Seated forward bends which are a inseparable part of the asana to activate abdominal organs provides a reinvigorating massage to the abdominal organs as they stretch the entire posterior of the body, enhances the intra -abdominal pressure by certain degrees.
Back bending tummy exercises stretch the abdominal muscles upwards which shake open any blockages within the intestinal bends, the stretch shifts the point of the bend pushing the contents forward in the process, relieving constipation.
Digestive system is very sensitive to certain states of mind like anxiety and depression, Some asanas to activate abdominal organs involve squeezing the folded knees on to the chest in supine position. These asanas and their variations helps relieve anxiety, re-energizes the digestive tract, and improves the digestive process by massaging the abdominal organs and the related musculature.
The set of yoga poses for abdominal organs is incomplete without adding the yoga twisting asanas to it. Yoga twists involve stabilizing the opposite ends of the spine and then rotating one of the ends in any direction along the vertical axis of the spine. This movement churns up the viscera inside the abdomen as the abdominal organs are pushed with the rotating spine.
Yoga inversions help refuel the abdominal organs by reversing their age related prolapse caused by the downward pull of the gravity. Since the body remains in the neutral orientation (head up and feet down position) throughout one’s life the organs start to prolapse under the pressure from the organs above them and the pull of gravity from below.
This descend of the organs causes certain structural alterations in their cavities which reduces the flow of their contents within themselves. Even the blood vessels which supply life giving blood to these organs undergo constriction sue to the weight of the organs settling upon them or a new sharp blocking bend develops due to the displacement of the internal organs.
Yoga inversions reverses the neutral orientation of the body ( head down and feet up) which benefits by pushing the abdominal organs back into their positions this time aided by the action of reverse gravity.
Yoga for healthy Abdominal Organs
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