Author: Randeep Singh / go to all articles on Yoga cure
Yoga for Lower Back pain:
More than 50% of the prospective clients who enquire about my yoga practice sessions, mention lower back as one of the reasons they are looking for a yoga class.
Same figures exist in my running classes, lower back pain is one of the commonest of modern age afflictions.
The lower back region where this pain is generally experienced are the five vertebrae of the lumbar spine, the lumbar spine alone bears the weight of the upper body, as it is the only narrow bony connect between the larger upper, and lower body. Yoga for lower back pain helps strengthen this section of the spine.
The lack of any other vertically running bony support in the horizontal plane to the lumbar spine makes way for bending the upper body , in different directions to, in relation to the lower body. Only, and only this region of the spine can reach extreme flexion, and extension along with being able to twist and bend laterally.
On the contrary the presence of the rib cage, as an addition bony support, at the thoracic spine limits its ability to bend , or twist as the lumber spine. The presence of high mobility in the lumbar spine facilitates a number of movements which are crucial for carrying out one’s daily activities: sitting, lying down, standing up from a sitting position, picking up things from the ground, Reaching out to things and spaces etc.
Since the lumbar spine helps carry out so many body movements it is more prone to wear and tear than any other part of the spine. Disc degeneration, spinal stenosis, vertebral degeneration in the lumbar spine are the main causes which lead to pain in the lower back.
Strains, and sprains caused due to wrong posture, or injury are among the common causes of pain in the lower spine. Arthritis, fibromyalgia, spondylitis, and spondylosis along with the presence of tumor, infections, or a diseased kidney have also been found to contribute to the feeling of discomfort in the lower back region.
People past 30 years of age, obesity, pregnancy, and wrong postures can increase the chances of getting lower back pain. Professionals whose jobs involve lifting heavy weights or extreme twisting of the spine, and school kids who carry heavy school bags on their backs are also easy targets for the pain in the lumber spine.
Interestingly, emotions have also been found to contribute to the incidents of lower back pain. A majority of the people inflicted with pain in the lower spine have emotional problems. Feeling of overburdened with responsibilities, lack of self-esteem , or confidence, remnants of unfulfilled desires are all known to settle down in the lower back regions the presence of which is experienced as physical pain.
Yoga for Lower Back pain Relief
The yoga asana for lower back pain relief if practiced by holding the position for long impart strength to the skeletal muscles and the supporting ligaments of the lower back region. A stronger lower back can easily handle the strain of day to day movements which help prevent the lower back pain. These yoga poses are built around activating the muscle groups which are responsible for the strength in the lower back.
The yoga for lower back pain guide on which directions to stretch these muscles before holding them for the added strength. A lot of yoga asana involve bending, or extending the spine at the lower back region, all these asana keep the related muscles toned and healthy which prevent the possibility of pain in the lower spine.
Yoga poses to relieve lower back pain also strengthen the abdominal front muscles which work with the spinal muscles to keep the torso upright in a correct posture while the body bends forwards, backward , or sideways during the course of the day. Majority of the times holding the spine the wrong way – wrong posture- while making the natural movements of the body at the lower spine causes lower back pain.
Over stressed lower back muscles can carry tension in the form of pain, the yoga for lower back pain benefit by stretching these muscles which evaporates the stress trapped within its fibers . Moreover a tensed up muscle is more prone to minor strains, and sprains than a relaxed muscle.
Thus yoga helps keep the muscles of the lower back in a relaxed state which prevents pain which can erupt from sudden movements in the lower back region. Back pain exercises stimulates the production of bone mass of the vertebrae by applying isometric pressure on the spine. Yoga prevents the occurrence of osteoporosis which help maintain the overall health of the vertebrae.
One can experience back pain relief as the back exercises trains the spine to maintain its natural curves, the vertebrae of the spine are at least possible tension when the spine is held in its naturally curving S shape. Yoga is the best form of lower back pain treatment at home because it can be done without the aid of any equipment.
Yoga for lower back pain also makes one aware of how one carries one’s posture in day to day dealings, yoga for better posture helps understand the dangers of an incorrect posture as well as motivates one to rectify the postural defects if any are present.
In a majority of cases lower back pain can be easily diffused by knowing the attributes of a correct standing posture.
Yoga exercises for Lower Back Pain
Moderate Back Pain Treatment at Home
Difficulty in standing straight pain with movement; ability to walk but with discomfort. This is moderate back pain and treatment at home would include the following.
- Bed rest with pillows under one’s knees or lying on one side in the fetal position, no more than one pillow under one’s head.
- Discuss with the doctor on phone.
- Take aspirin or other anti-inflammatory medications. Follow dosage recommended on the label or by the doctor.
- Ice packs to the lower back (not against bare skin), 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off for two hours, twice a day.
- Out of the bed to the bathroom needs, but limit the number of times (maximu 4-5 times in 24 hours).
- Avoid sitting.
- Get up for meals – not more than 15 minutes.
- Saty home for two days – do not travel unless absolutely necessary.
- Confer again with the doctor for further instructions, a chiropractor or a osteopath are better suited for the purpose.
- When all the pain ans stiffness had disappeared, after this back pain treatment at home, slowly resume normal yoga for backpain exercises and activities.

Severe Back Pain Treatment at Home
Here we are talking about being unable to stand due to pain; severe leg pain treatment at home with or without back pain; and being in such a state that coughing and sneezing hurt the back and leg.
- Bed rest with pillows under one’s knees, or lying on one’s side in fetal position. No more than one pillow under one’s head.
- Ice packs (not against bare skin) three times a day, 20 mins on and 20 mins off for two hours.
- Send for the doctor.
- Take aspirin – as recommended on the label or by the doctor.
- Stay in bed; use bathroom only when essential. Rig a urinal out of a plastic container or bottle. If pain is too severe to walk, crawl on floor.
- If one has to get out of the bed, roll to the side and push oneself up sideways. Sit on edge of the bed, then stand. Ask someone to help for standing up.
- One must eat lying down on one’s side, drink with a straw, have someone cut the one’s food.
- Talk to the doctor again; If one has numbness and is unable to move one’s toes or foot, that is an emergency and must be attended to by an expert as soon as possible. If riding in an car is too painful to contemplate, call an ambulance.
- If pain subsides after 48 hours, one must try standing and walking for 5 minutes. If one’s pain doesn’t increase , then repeat five minutes of standing and walking later in the day.
- Gradually increase the time one spends out of the bed each day, depending upon the severity of the pain.
- Consult the doctor on how to further proceed with one’s activities.
Never take someone else’s medications unless one has one’s doctor’s approval’
Are You Heading for Back Pain
Knowing one’s risk of back pain is like knowing one’s cholesterol level. It can act as a catalyst for changing body habits before a more serious problem strikes. A yes to anyone of the below five questions means you are at higher than normal risk for a future back injury and pain and should pay special attention to the preventive measures that follow.
Does your job require lifting?
Nurses, mothers and workers whose jobs require them to lift things place continual demand on their backs. Even though activity can help keep one’s back strong, there is danger in trying to lift something heavier than one are used to.
Do you have a desk job that requires you to sit whole day?
Sitting for extended periods of time stressed the back by putting pressure on lower back discs. Even walking, bending and lifting small objects throughout the day can help maintain back fitness. A sedentary job matched with heavy weekend workouts can especially set one up for a back injury leading to pain.
Are you over weight by more than 20 percent?
Experts haven’t established a concrete connection between obesity and back pain, bt many specialists believe that being overweight creates extra stress on one’s back. A large stomach tends to pull the spine forward out of alignment, which then sets the stage for strain leading to back pain.
Do you body-build or play football, golf, or tennis?
Although fewer than 10 percent of all sports injuries involve the spine, these sports put one at higher risk. Golf anf tennis are tough because they twist the spine with speed and force. Football is tough on the back because it is a contact sport.
Treat Lower Back Pain at Home
Back pain can strike at the most untimely and unlikely moment. One may be out of town , or the doctor may be on vacation. If one can manage to walk, and get from place to place with bearable discomfort, may be one can wait for a day or so before seeing the doctor. In such a situation one need to know how to treat lower back pain at home?
In case one ever suffers disabling, agonizing back pain, one should know how to help oneself at home until one gets medical attention. Here are given some guidelines. We are not proposing to make you a back specialist, nor do we think it is wise to treat oneself without expert advice. But we do believe that these simple instructions can help.
Say, for instance , the pain is acute and came about after a sneeze or a sudden twist of the back. A cold application to your back can help to decrease the spasm. So, too, can lying in bed, either in the fetal position or on one’s back with one’s knees elevated by pillows or bolster. Aspirin or an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication can also help.
An attack of back pain may be accompanied by pain radiating into one’s leg. If the pain goes into the thigh but not below the knee, relax: it may ot be caused by a dreaded herniated disk. If the pain goes all the way down the leg t the ankle and the foot, however – what doctors call sciatica – it is most likely due to a herniated disk.
In this case one should get into bed immediately , in either the fetal position or on one’s back with th eknees bent. Call the doctor immediately. Symptoms may subside in a few days, and one can begin practicing yoga for Sciatica relief for long term treatment and management of the problem.
In a nutshell, here are the steps one can take to treat back pain at home, especially when the doctor is unavailable.
Mild Back Pain Treatment at Home – Yoga Tips
Your basic aches and stiffness
- A hot shower
- Aspirin or other anti-inflammatory medications; follow dosage recommended on label.
- Avoid long car rides or travelling.
- Be careful when bending and lifting.
- Do not sit on soft chairs.
- If one’s mattress is soft, place a board underneath it.
- One should lie on one’s side in fetal position , or on one’s back with pillows under one’s knees.
- When one’s back feels tired or aching, lie on the floor with one’s knees bent.
- If the symptoms persist for more than a few days, see a doctor.
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