Author: Randeep Singh / go to all articles on Yoga cure
Dribbling urine problem:
The excretory and reproductive systems when taken together are known as urogenital systems.
Owing to their presence near to each other the common factor between these two systems is – that certain ducts are shared by both these systems for carrying out certain functions.
The impact of yoga on the reproductive system is discussed separately on this website; in order to keep things sorted here we would be restricting the discussion only to the urinary system of the body, and how yoga can help heal dribbling urine problem.
Human body has two kidneys located on each side of the vertebral column almost exactly at the point where the back side of the rib cage ends on it. Each of the kidneys are bean shaped structures within which the liquid waste is separated from the blood to be expelled out of the body as urine.
After the urine formation is complete within the kidneys it passes through ureters – duct like structures one each emerging from each kidney and is collected in the bladder for passing out of the body at intervals. The bladder opens into a short outlet, urethra – which opens out of the body.
The cortex of the kidneys contains more than a million nephrons. A nephron is the name given to mesh of blood vessels called glomerulus, which carry the liquid waste to the nephron, which is placed in a cup like structure called the Bowman’s capsule which acts as the main point of filter, and a network of ducts which emerge from below the Bowman’s capsule for carrying the filtrate in the direction of the ureters.
The formation of urine within the kidneys is accomplished by three main processes. First in the glomerulus the pressure in the blood pushes the liquid waste from it through a specialized membrane into the Bowman’s capsule. The size of the perforations in this filter membrane is such that only the water and solutes that are smaller than it move to the other side.
The blood cells and larger proteins are prevented from passing through this filtration membrane owing to their larger size. Glucose, certain important ions, and amino acids, though required to be retained in the blood, due to the smaller size of their particles also find their way across the filtration membrane. These essential components need to be reabsorbed into the bloodstream.
The reabsorption of these nutrients along with some water takes place in the capillaries present around the renal tubule, located next in the line of flow, as the filtrate passes along its length right after emerging from the Bowman’s capsule. At this very stage some waste ions and ions of hydrogen pass from the blood capillaries into the renal tubule to join the filtrate ( Secretion).
The two processes of reabsorption by the capillaries and the release of hydrogen ions into the filtrate by the capillaries takes place simultaneously. Thus urine formation is undertaken first by the process of filtration, then reabsorption and finally by secretion.
Urine which is 5 percent waste products and 95 % water is carried by the two ureters from the respective kidneys to the bladder, from where it is
expelled out of the body through the urethra at certain intervals.
Yoga for Dribbling Urine problem
Yoga asanas for the spine form an important part of the yoga for urinary problems as it tones the nerves emerging out of the lumber and sacral spinal regions, the nerves coming out from this region control all the major functions of the urogenital system of the body.

The yoga twists are good for compressing the lower abdominal and pelvic region for expediting the movement of the fluids , blood as well as liquid waste, through the urinary system present in this region, ensuring proper detoxification of the body. it is believed that the twisting yoga asanas enhance the flow of prana to the navel region.
The functions of the main organs of the urinary system, the kidneys, the ureters, the bladder and the urethra rejuvenates on receiving the fresh flow of cosmic prana which positively impacts their overall health and efficiency.
Inversion, inverted asanas, shake awaken any sluggish organs within the abdominal region infusing them with a fresh nutrient rich blood supply which keeps their functions overhauled.
Yoga asanas for urinary incontinence help strengthen the musculature around the pelvis region which keeps the urinary organs firm preventing the problem of incontinence. Many of our students ask us how to reduce frequent urination naturally?
The answer again is yoga, all the back bending postures which are an important part of the curriculum on yoga poses for overactive bladder keep the deep pelvic muscles which surround the bladder in good tone and functional health.
The leaking urine, or dribbling urine cure becomes possible by the forward bending asanas as they help release any un due pressure on the spinal nerves in the lower back region which helps by giving better voluntary control over the evacuation of the bladder.
The forward bends involve bending from the hips and not from the waste; this bending from the hips is the required effective exercise for the urogenital organs present within the pelvis. The yoga for urinary problems improves the circulation of the blood into the urogenital region which maintains adequate pressure for the efficient functioning of the three main processes of filtration, reabsorption, and secretion within the kidneys.
Yoga for Urinary incontinence, Dribbling Urine Problem
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