Author: Randeep Singh / go to all articles on Yoga cure
Yoga for Vertigo:
Vertigo is the condition where the person affected experiences imbalanced, dizzy, and kind of the world spinning around feeling, tipping, swaying etc.
Vertigo means hallucinations of movements; subject appears to see objects moving, or he himself is moving. Yoga for vertigo helps heal the root cause of the very problem.
One of the reasons of vertigo is related to the concept called postural hypo-tension. This happens when the circulation to the brain gets reduced due to sitting or standing in a particular posture for a long time. Learning to maintain a correct standing posture has been found to alleviate the symptoms of vertigo in some cases.
If emotional tension is also experienced along with postural hypo-tension, this can happen while one sits or stands in the same posture for long time while consoling a dear one over his, or her serious loss, the hypothalamus region of the brain gets disturbed impairing the working of the sympathetic, and parasympathetic nervous system which leads to the feeling of giddiness as in vertigo.
Vertigo is in fact a medical term for giddiness. The prominent symptoms of vertigo are the sensation of dizziness, and unsteadiness in the surroundings.
As per the medical terminology it is a whirling motion of oneself or of the objects around oneself. Humans maintains their position in space by the reflexes arising in the eyes, peripheral end receptors (like skin, muscles, and joints), and the vestibular labyrinth of the ear.
Vertigo doesn’t include vague sensations of disturbed balance, the cause for these may lie in cardio vascular insufficiency, certain toxins like alcohol, streptomycin, improper alignment of cervical vertebrae, anemia, or metabolic causes. The concerted activities of the eyes, ears, and the peripheral receptors give an accurate awareness of movement and position in space.
Vertigo is a kind of the sensation of disorientation in the end organ of the labyrinth of the ear. Its mainly the three semicircular canals which are the real culprits, or are the main reason for vertigo. The feeling of everything moving around like a whirlwind comes from the lack of blood supply to the end organ of the ear.
Humans being bipeds need to maintain the balance when moving in an upright position in relation to the gravity of the earth. The centre of the bodies gravity changes with every movement being made, the inner ear sends signals to the brain related to these changes for the brain to make necessary adjustments in order to maintain overall balance.
Vertigo manifests itself due to the decrease in the blood supply to the inner ear, which weaken the connect between the inner ear and the brain. This decrease has been attributed to a number of factors: accumulation of fluids ( Meniere’s disorder) or calcium ( BPPV- Benign Paroxysmal positional Vertigo) in the inner ear ,or any viral infection like flu.
Vestibule neuritis is the inflammation of the nerves around the inner ear. Vertigo caused by Meniere’s disorder is often accompanied by Tinnitus ( ringing sound in the ears). Other causative factors could be low blood pressure, anemia, or postural defects as in the case of cervical spondylosis, and muscular spasms. In cervical spondylosis vertibro-basalar artery gets blocked mechanically leading to the insufficient supply of blood to the inner ear.
This can disrupt the flow of impulses in the nerves connecting the inner ear to the brain causing Vertigo. Other causes include any impact on the skull which can lead to loss of hearing along with Vertigo. A lot of times Vertigo can be the result of the reaction to any allergens one is allergic to. Any of the diseases of the nervous system can also trigger Vertigo.
Medicines available for vertigo are basically antihistamines, which does nothing but sedate the mind, Similar effect can be achieved with yoga as well as the person feels calmer, relaxed and tranquil by practicing yoga for calming the mind as an adjunct to yoga for vertigo on regular basis.

Yoga for Vertigo
Yoga is different from other exercises, it can improve the conditions associated with Vertigo by strengthening the centers of the brain responsible for balance through improved concentration. Some simple techniques for Improving the concentration power of the mind can also prove beneficial.
The Yoga techniques for curing Vertigo improve the blood circulation to the brain and the ears. Regular practice of Yogic techniques for a healthy nervous system as part of yoga therapy for vertigo benefit by strengthening the nervous system which has a positive impact on Vertigo. Apart from supplying the oxygen rich blood to the inner ear, yoga for vertigo also strengthens the respiratory , and the alimentary systems , and help rehabilitate the mind which works positively on vertigo.
Yoga for inner ear problems can attack vertigo from multiple angles: it can improve hemoglobin count; increase oxygenation; and can correct posture along with providing reassurance by various relaxation techniques. A lot of times the cause for the reduced blood supply to the inner ear can be the mental condition of the patient.
Benefits of yoga being multifaceted helps improve the state of mind which is indirectly linked to the symptoms of vertigo. Patanjali yoga for vertigo encompasses breathing exercises for vertigo for creating a tranquilizing effect on the mind as one of the many benefits of practicing pranayamas, the blood vessels increase in diameter in response to the relaxed response from the mind which spikes up the supply of oxygen rich blood to the balance controlling center in the inner ear.
Understanding the concept of Yoga asana along with the considerations while performing the pranayamas can help increase manifold the benefits of the Yoga for Vertigo.
Yoga Techniques for Curing Vertigo
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